A-Maizing Ribbed Belt Free Crochet Pattern

A woman posing for a picture

a-Maizing Ribbed Belt
designed by Kim Guzman © June 2015
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Technique: Regular Crochet

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  • a-Maizing 100% corn fiber, Southwest Trading Company, 130m/50g per ball, 2 balls, #1215 Amazon (or color of your choice)
  • Crochet hook sizes: 4.0mm [US F-6] and 4.5mm [US G-7] (or size needed to obtain gauge)
  • Tapestry Needle (for weaving ends)
  • 6 round crow beads, approximately 6 mm, or size with a hole large enough to fit through 2 strands of yarn at the same time

Yarn Notes

The yarn used in this pattern is a sport weight. It was made from corn, hence the use of “maize” in the name. This yarn has been discontinued for quite some time. I would use any sport weight sort of rustic-looking yarn.

Designer Note

CrochetKim Free Crochet Pattern | AMaizing Ribbed Belt @crochetkim

This project has a highly textured ribbed look. The ribbing doesn’t stretch. It is for look and texture only. As many of you know, I tend to think outside the box. You have probably never, ever made textures in this manner so there is little doubt that you’ll be learning something new with this one.

Finished Size

Model is made in size 6 and measures 3.5” x 23”. To make additional sizes, the finished length needs to be approximately 3-4” smaller than the actual waist measurement. Repeat Rows 7-18 for each additional inch added.

If you are unable to measure the waist of the recipient, these are approximate measurements needed for the finished belt length (without Lacing): Size 6 = 23”, Size 8 = 24”, Size 10 = 25”, Size 12 = 27”, Size 14 = 28”, Size 18 = 30”


Worked as for belt, 30 rows across 18 sts measures approximately 3” x 3”.


BL=back loop; ch=chain; dec=decrease; FL=front loop; g=grams; lp(s)=loop(s); m=meters; mm=millimeter; RS=right side; rem=remainder/remaining; rep=repeat; rnd(s)=round(s); sc=single crochet; sk=skip; sl=slip; sp(s)=space(s); st(s)=stitch(es); yo=yarn over

Special Stitches

Decrease Single Crochet (dec sc): Insert hook in indicated st, yo and pull up a lp. Insert hook in next st, yo and pull up a lp. Yo and pull through 3 lps.

CrochetKim Free Crochet Pattern | AMaizing Ribbed Belt @crochetkim

Crochet Pattern Instructions

Note: Since the Lacing is made with two strands of yarn held together, it is easier to prepare it first while you still have two balls of yarn.

Lacing: Holding two strands of yarn together, with smaller hook, leaving an approximate 8” “tail”, * ch 1, turn ch slightly toward you to reveal the back bump of the ch, sc under the back bump. Rep from * until the Lacing measures 28”. Cut off, leaving an approximate 8” “tail”. Add 3 beads to each end of Lacing. Tie knots to secure. Trim ends evenly.

Note: When working a row of stitches in one loop only, always work the last stitch of the row in both loops for stability.

Row 1: With smaller hook, ch 11. Sc in second ch from hook and each rem ch across. Ch 1, turn. 10 sc.

Row 2: 2 sc in first sc. Sc in each rem sc to within last sc. 2 sc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. 12 sc.

Rows 3-5: Rep Row 2. On final row, 18 sc.

Row 6: [RS] Sc in each sc across. Remove smaller hook and replace with larger hook. Ch 1, turn.

Row 7: Sl st in BL only of each sc across. Ch 1, turn.

Rows 8-12: Sl st in BL only of each sl st across. Ch 1, turn. Remove larger hook and replace with smaller hook.

Row 13: * Work sc by inserting hook under FL of sc six rows below and under FL of sl st from previous row. Rep from * to within last st. Work sc by inserting hook under the same FL of sc six rows below previously worked and under last sl st from previous row. Ch 1, turn.

Rows 14-18: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. On final row, remove smaller hook and replace with larger hook.

Rows 19-210: Rep Rows 7-18. (Continue repeating these Rows for each additional inch needed. See above for sizing information. Remember that you don’t want the ends of the belt to touch. You want them to be about 3-4” smaller than the actual waist measurement.)

Rows 211-217: Rep Rows 7-13.

Row 218: Dec sc across first 2 sc. Sc in each rem sc to within last 2 sc. Dec sc across last 2 sc. Ch 1, turn. 16 sc.

Rows 219-221: Rep previous row. On final row, 10 sc.

Row 222: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, do not turn. Beg working in rnds.

Rnd 1: Still with smaller hook, sc evenly around entire belt, skipping the top and bottom of the sl st rows forming the ribs. Sl st to first sc. Cut off.


With smaller hook, join yarn with sl st at corner of short edge. * Ch 3, sk 2 sc, sl st in next sc. Rep from * twice more. Cut off. Rep for opposite short edge. Weave in all ends carefully. Insert Lacing evenly within the ch-3 sps as shown in photograph.